
Aachen University of Applied Sciences – you are studying alongside nearly 15,000 other students here. And everyone has a say in the decision-making process. Universities govern themselves, which gives them the freedom to shape learning and teaching within the framework of legal regulations. Since it primarily concerns us, the students, we are actively involved in shaping our university. This is achieved through various committees, which are re-elected each year during the university elections.


The university elections are divided into two different types of elections: the academic and the student elections. Here you can nominate yourselves for the student elections. To ensure that this process runs smoothly, here is the general procedure:

14.10.2024 - 28.10.2024

Run for office

Through the election page of the Student Parliament, you can run as a candidate.

If there are too few nominations, an extension period will be granted for the respective committee.

Extension periods for selected committees

bis zum 04.11.2024

bis zum 14.11.2024

Extension periods for selected committees

If there are too few nominations, an extension period will be granted for the respective committee.

18.11.2024 - 22.11.2024


Ballot box voting in the foyer of your campus.

A newly elected student representation convenes in the conference room.

Constituent session of the Student Parliament



Constituent session of the Student Parliament

A newly elected student representation convenes in the conference room.

Run for office

Um für eine Wahl zu kandidieren, kannst du vom 14.10.2024 bis 28.10.2024 einen Wahlvorschlag einreichen. Als Mitglied in einem Gremium bekommst du Einblicke in hochschulpolitische Diskussionen, kannst mitreden und mitentscheiden. Du übernimmst Verantwortung, förderst deine eigenen Kompetenzen und vernetzt dich mit anderen Studierenden.


Dieses Jahr wird als Urnenwahl gewählt. Das bedeutet es gibt einen Wahlstand an eurem Campus, bei dem ihr einen Wahlzettel mit eurer Stimme abgeben könnt, damit eure Meinung zählt. Eure Stimme könnt ihr vor Ort vom 18.11.2024 bis 22.11.2024 abgeben. Weitere Informationen findet ihr in der Wahlbekanntmachung. 


Election to the 53rd Student Parliament
Election to the Student Council 1
Election to the Student Council 2
Election to the Student Council 4
Election to the Student Council 5
Election to the Student Council 6
Election to the Student Council 7
Election to the Student Council 8
Election to the Student Council Jülich (List FB 3)
Election to the Student Council Jülich (List FB 9)
Election to the Student Council Jülich (List FB 10)
Election to the Student Council 8


The Student Parliament (SP) is the highest decision-making body of the student body, has 21 seats, and is elected annually by all enrolled students of the FH Aachen. This ensures that we, the students, manage our own affairs and address the concerns of our members within the university and the wider society. 

The SP is responsible for establishing and overseeing the budget of the student body. The budget includes funds for the semester ticket, the General Students' Committee (AStA) and its services, as well as the student councils. 

The work of the Student Parliament encompasses all topics both within and outside the university. The SP expresses the will of the student body and decides on political principles. The aim of the Student Parliament's work is to capture the interests of all students and propose measures for their realization. 

The SP grants the members of the AStA their political voting rights. Additionally, the SP approves major projects and general affairs of the student body, such as conducting an election or introducing the semester ticket. 

The Student Councils represent both internal and external interests of the students of a department, meaning they advocate for the rights and demands of the student body of their department. Each council consists of up to nine student representatives, elected by all the students of each department.


The Student Councils are councils of students elected by all students of each department. They manage the department's student room, offer consultation hours for those seeking advice, and serve as the first point of contact for problems or questions. The council members advise students on academic, organizational, and social issues.


The Student Councils also organize freshman orientations and weekends, collect and lend out scripts, old exams, exam and internship reports. They organize department parties and sports events, or take advantage of group ordering for study and work materials.


Since both the universities and we students govern ourselves, you can influence decisions that affect you and your studies. Moreover, this is an opportunity to meet new people and develop personally.

The committees (organizational units) of academic self-governance consist of the four status groups (teachers, students, technical and administrative staff, and research and scientific staff) of the university, and they consult and decide on all matters concerning the university at the respective level.

The committees of student self-governance are composed only of students and manage their affairs. However, this does not mean that they cannot also influence the decisions of the university. Moreover, student self-governance works for the various concerns of the students.